Natan Verbeelen

Passionate artist and designer who thrives on embracing diverse ideas and styles. Always eager to assist and collaborate with others, as I believe we all have amazing ideas and insights when designing spaces and tools. Our diverse experiences help us improve each other and the work we create, resulting in beautifully designed images and objects for people to enjoy. My adaptability and openness to new perspectives ensure that I can effectively contribute to any creative project.


Bachelor in Media & Information Design
Sep 2021 - Jun 2024
LUCA School of Arts, Brussels

Fashion Design
Sep 2019 - Jan 2020
Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp

Technical Photography
Sep 2016 - Jun 2019
Atheneum Anderlecht, Brussels

Evening School:
2 years Graphic Design at the Academy of Visual Arts Anderlecht
2 years RhoK Academy Visual Atelier Youth
1 year Painting at the Academy of Visual Arts Anderlecht


Design Intern
Feb 2024 - Apr 2024
De Standaard Editorial Office

Barista and Catering Events Preparation
2022 - 2023
Woodpecker, London Square, Brussels

Exhibition and Social Media Design
Oct 2023 - Oct 2023
Ziso, Tervuren

May 2023 - Present
Cafe Press Leopold, Brussels Elsene

Apr 2018 - Apr 2018
KBC, Airport

Brand Design (Logo) and Prints
Apr 2017 - Apr 2017
Schouts, Brussels